What is EIACP PC HUB ?
EIACP PC HUB is a decentralised system with a network of distributed subject oriented Centres ensuring integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned. Presently the EIACP PC HUB network consists of Focal Point at the Ministry of Environment and Forest and EIACP Centres setup in different organizations/ establishments in the country in selected areas of environment. These Centres have been set up in the areas of pollution control, toxic chemicals, central and offshore ecology, environmentally sound and appropriate technology, bio-degradation of wastes and environment management, etc.
EIACP focal point ensures integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned.
EIACP PC HUB, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Tamil Nadu
The EIACP PC HUB of the Department of Environment & Climate Change, Government of Tamil Nadu is functioning from October 2002. The responsibilities of the EIACP Centre are:
» Creation of a web based database on the State of Environment of Tamil Nadu and Related issues.
» Establishment of linkages with all information sources and creation of data bank on selected parameter subject area assigned.
» Identification of Information gaps/ data gaps in the specified areas of environment and action needed to fill these gaps.
» To publish Newsletters, Special issues on State of Environment.
» To serve as an interface for the users on the assigned subject.